Hope after Loss: Group Therapy to Process Pregnancy Loss

Fertility Support maintains an online therapy group to support individuals that have experienced a pregnancy loss. This is a contained, compassionate and confidential space which aims to help individuals process and validate their emotions.

The Trauma of Pregnancy Loss

Pregnancy loss is a traumatic experience where the grieving parents can face feelings of disbelief, sorrow and grief, among other difficult emotions.  Parents who have suffered a pregnancy loss, often feel like their feelings are not understood by their family and friends and even by their own partners.  They suffer in silence, not knowing how to process their loss.  The longer a grieving parent delays seeking the right support, the longer the grieving period may extend. 

Fertility Support Provides a Contained, Compassionate, and Confidential Space to Process Pregnancy Loss

Our group therapy provides a contained, compassionate and confidential space to process a pregnancy loss.  The group format provides an opportunity to meet other parents who have undergone similar experiences, reducing feelings of isolation and of being misunderstood.  Further,  speaking with individuals who do not minimise the loss, but are ready to listen, understand and be empathetic can help process the traumatic loss and repair the grieving parent’s self-esteem.  Others’ compassionate perspectives can be transformational; they can help the bereaved to gradually return to embracing the living and the future, as opposed to remaining stuck in the past.


Will there be a facilitator? The pregnancy loss support group is led by Gavita Kaur who has ample experience working with individuals who have experienced pregnancy loss. 

How many people will be part of the group? We do not host more than 5 people in this therapy group.

Where will we meet? This group has the added benefit of being online, providing greater access and convenience and takes place weekly . 

How should I prepare for the group therapy? Before joining the group, you will have a one-to-one 30-min session with Gavita to determine if group therapy is the right format for you and to prepare for the sessions.  This is call is free. Please contact us at info@fertilitysupportlondon.com to schedule this conversation.

What if I do not want to share how I feel with the group? If you do not feel ready to share in a group or feel this may not be the right format for you, you may benefit from one-to-one pregnancy loss support through individual therapy.

How much is each session? As this is a therapy group, not individual therapy, the price is more accessible. The price is £30 per session and clients can purchase a package of 6 sessions for £160.

This is being called a therapy group, is that the same as a support group? No, please read our article Therapy Groups vs. Support Groups.

This group meets weekly on Mondays at 5:30pm. To join this group, simply contact us at info@fertilitysupportlondon.com.