Group Therapy
Fertility Support offers virtual group therapy to help individuals process and consider issues such as IVF, egg freezing, pregnancy loss, and male infertility. These groups offer participants an opportunity to meet others who are experiencing similar issues. Group conversations help normalise emotions, concerns and questions whilst also helping participants feel less isolated. These programmes help participants feel supported and reassured from hearing each other’s perspectives in a compassionate and understanding space.
Our therapeutic groups are different to traditional support groups. For more information, please read our article Therapy Groups vs. Support Groups
Fertility Support maintains a therapy group to help women process emotions arising from an IVF treatment and to help them develop the tools and strategies needed to manage such emotions. Our IVF Women’s Circle provides a safe and understanding space where women can openly share their emotions, fears, and experiences with others who are going through a similar journey. This sense of community can help alleviate feelings of isolation and provide much-needed empathy and support. Additionally, our therapy group allows participants to share coping strategies and tools to manage stress, anxiety, and the emotional rollercoaster that comes with fertility treatments. The group setting can also provide a platform for learning from others' experiences, gaining valuable insights. Ultimately, our IVF Women’s Circle aims to empower women to navigate the challenges of IVF with resilience and a strong sense of solidarity.
Our Hope After Loss group therapy provides a contained, compassionate and confidential space to process a pregnancy loss. The group format provides an opportunity to meet other parents who have undergone similar experiences, reducing feelings of isolation and of being misunderstood. Further, speaking with individuals who do not minimise the loss, but are ready to listen, understand and be empathetic can help process the traumatic loss and repair the grieving parent’s self-esteem. Others’ compassionate perspectives can be transformational; they can help the bereaved to gradually return to embracing the living and the future, as opposed to remaining stuck in the past.
Fertility Support offers group therapy sessions for individuals considering the important question of whether to become a parent or not. We will carry out a considered, thoughtful and compassionate exploration of the parenthood question. We will discuss questions such: Why am I indecisive about having a baby? Is it normal not to want children? What if I want them later? Do I want children because society tells me everyone wants them?
This exploration will allow participants to unearth unconscious beliefs and suppressed emotions that might be influencing them. Participants will leave with a clearer understanding of what is driving their desires and decisions. Further, they will leave with reflections on how to discuss their decisions with their loved ones. Ultimately, they will leave the sessions knowing that they have given the parenthood question the consideration it deserves.